Amelia Méndez
Oral History Transcription
Oral History Audio
Name of interviewer: Enrique Alvear
Date of Interview: August 11, 2016
Location: Chicago, IL
Interview Language: Spanish
Amelia Méndez grew up in Contrayerba, a small town in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. In 1971, after marrying Antonio Méndez, she arrived in Austin, Texas, and then traveled to Chicago, Illinois, with the initial purpose of getting a job in the United States. After a difficult adaptation period, Amelia and her family left Chicago and went back to San Luis Potosí and stayed there for eight years. Then Amelia and her family came back to Chicago in order to offer better educational opportunities to their children. Upon arrival, she worked at a Toy Factory as a machinist worker for 11 years and she was involved in her church. She served as a Catechist at Nuestra Señora de Fátima Catholic Church. In 1992, Amelia cofounded the Club Social Potosino with the mission of organizing fundraising activities to finance community development projects along the region of San Elías. While she was volunteering at the Club de Potosinos, she founded the Federation ACOPIL (Asociación de Clubes y Organizaciones Potosinas en Illinois) with the mission of expanding social projects to the entire state of San Luis Potosí. During her tenure as the second woman serving as ACOPIL President (two-years) and Vice-President (six-years), this federation promoted Potosinos’ unity and culture in Chicago. Among several initiatives, ACOPIL has offered free health prevention services for Potosinos in Mexico, collective remittance contributions for a psychiatric local hospital in the state of San Luis Potosí, and the year celebration of “La Semana Potosina” in Chicago. She is still an active member of ACOPIL.