Men, made equal by nature & subject to the same needs, must share the same charges & dedicate themselves to the same work. The law I propose shall be one of wisdom & of benefaction, from which society & individuals will reap the most advantageous results. It will be a law of wisdom because it will consecrate the law of equality. When young citizens go on & share indistinctly the same type of labor, join the same workshops, they will recognize that the law of equality is common to all men, & that all exclusive ambitions must disappear & be obliterated before it. Furthermore, it is a law of wisdom in that it aims to reinforce individual liberty. The man who finds stable resources against necessity & unforeseen life accidents through the exercise of a trade, truly becomes independent & is in full possession of the most limitless liberty. It will be a law of benefaction in that it will rescue young citizens from the idleness that corrupts them, for the idle man is the enemy of his fellow men. It will fulfill the necessities of society by giving back to it the men whose only purpose was to burden it with their useless existence. Finally, the execution of this law will be, for those who will carry it out, the purifying vessel where the prejudices of the ancien régime will melt away; it will pull young citizens out of the state of isolation where pride precipitates them. It will silence hatred, envy, suspicions, unjust detentions, & it will prepare the return of trust towards these men who, justly inspiring motives of distrust, will not be able to make them disappear until we see said men draw closer & merge with the mass of citizens as they exercise the same arts & the same professions.