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Recapitulation Showing the Appreciation of the Same Appropriated

Paid to Upper Creeks in July 1817 . . $31029. Paid to lower Creeks at Same time . . . 11910. Paid to Miscellaneous Claims etc . . . . 10862. Paid at the Agency Jany 1818 . . . . . .19809.60


Paid Major Hughes by SPecial order of the Chiefs 3400.00 Paid [unclear] discount on Sale of bills for $83,000- 2075.00 [plus sign with a dot in each quadrant] Paid [unclear: McIntosh?] at Washington 2000:00


This ballance placed in the hands of the two principal Chiefs by genl consent to be applied to some cases of peculiar hardship wherein unprovided for [scratched out words] . . . .3914.40 $85,000.00