May 28th, 1970 His Excellency Your. Mitchel Sir, some months past happening to be in the Execution Office, your Excellency thought proper to [aocert] to the subject of a promist of as mak appointment to Mr. W. H Crenshaw, to some circumstances that for the moment [firstrake) you intentions; and concludes with [rinewed afrenances], of your determination, to give it to him; remarking, at the same time, that he might give himself no concern, at the lapse of time, as it than lie make up to him, these [afsun] an as, I [repeats] to him, and of which, he has not permitted himself to [doebh]; [nuirthily], you will permit me to observe that a consides able part of the time is past, that he is poor that the pay would be an object with him; and that he has, as he had every right to do, taken it into his calculation; that I hope, and trust, that he is worthy of your Excellency good will; as any rate that he is as much so now, as he was at first, if he really is not; I should be glad to know it;