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Fairfield June 19th 1812 Dear Governor I was disappointed in not hearing by the last mail, what sort of a passage you had to St. Mary's. They day you left this, From the threatning aspect of the weather. I was apprehensive that you would have experienced much greater inconvenience, than on our Maroon The Rain however did not reach us that day, which induced me to hope, that you have have reached your place of destination, during its clemency, we have since been almost inundated. I read with attention the proceedings of the late Town meeting in Savannah, and recived with indegnation the Conduct of our Judge and his unclear on the occasion, it at the same time afforded me much satisfaction to find Judge Jones availing himself of so good an opportunity to dissipate the suspicions which had indirectly attached themselves to his political character, it has been hinted that a considerable relaxation? of his Republican sentiments had grown out of disappointments unclear. I hope that our judges popularity has, or will by his late conduct receive a death blow it affords strong evidence that unclear is not only in opposition to men, but measures unclear