My opinion is as yet unchanged as to the object of Mr. Fosters mission to this Country. I have always viewed it as a time saving plan, a disguised method of procrastinating an adjustment of national differences, until the fate of the British arms in the Peninsula shoud be decided; Bonaparte more skilled in Diplomatiques; has so managed the game as to encourage the waste of the Blood, and Treasure of England and will dupe her into a war with America, Unless the British Ministry become sensible of their uncommon perilous situation, and suffer themselves swayed by causes which they have always disregarded, in yielding to pacific arrangements of national differences; such a course may be viewed as possible, tho not probable, when we consider the influence that their Navy has over them, which to say the best of them are no better than a set of pirates; who regardless of consequences, woud involve their Nation in ruin to gratify their insatiable thirst for plunder; --from any view of the State of things a war with England appears inevitable, our claims of Justice have increased upon them beyond their ability, or inclination to satisfy. And American or the US more properly, cannot in honor yield an important point; their never can present itself a more favourable opportunity for inforcing our Just demands. The predictions of Tories and Fedr. to the contrary not withstanding. Indeed I think a war woud be productive of very salutary consequences to our Country ultimately. The