From Newberry Transcribe
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This would have given an additional value to all the land in the State greater than the whole value of the land bestowed in the lotteries. Thus every man in the State who had 200 acres of land would have been more benefitted by the sale of the public land and the proper disposition of its proceeds, than if he had drawn a tract of the ordinary value. The lands which lie within 10 miles of the Turnpike from Lancaster to Philadelphia brings $100 an acre without regard to its quality. The lands within twenty miles of a river rendered navigable, or a canal, or even of a turnpike road, levying toll would double, treble and in many cases would increase its value ten fold-- And it can be proved that the sale of our public lands already given, as well as that yet to be disposed of would bring every mans land in that distance of a navigable river, canal or turnpike road levying no toll-- and in addition as they establish a free school forever in each Capts company. Will not this view of the Subject animate the members and raise them above the miserable and paltry considerations of ephemeral popularity! I fear not. Accept dear Gov. my best wishes for your health and happiness and that of Mrs Mitchell and family-- adieu. W H Crawford