Washington 26th Decm. 1812 Dear Governor Since my last, We have rec'd no information from Harrison, and but little from Niagara, and that little, does not dispel in any considerable degree the gloom which then enveloped our affairs at that post. The Soldiers are dying at Plattsburg and Burlington with the spotted fever from 12 to 20 in a day. Mr Monroe, since he has gone into the war department, has proposed a system and plan for the next campaign which contemplates an increase of 20,000 men to the number at present authorized. Several major generals and Brigadiers are also to be added. The two Houses of Congress are so discordant that I am fearful nothing will be palatable to them. Vermont is now ascertained to be federal in the 13th Congress. It is also ascertained that there will be at least 10 Republicans in New