and any other person who may wish to be my successor, and who also enjoys your confidence. Judge Tarts present situation suits him, and I think he suits it very well. I therefore hope he will be continued. The subject of the division of the Mississippi Territory will necessarily be presented to the Legislature. I would suggest the propriety of giving a general consent if any is given because, circumstances may require a different division than that presented in the unclear of the Committee of the Senate. That division will leave a small settlement East of the Tom Bigby River, and the settlements in the Bend of Tennessee in the newly created territory, which will be found extremely inconvenient in a Territorial gov't. Upon the general question of divisions, I will not offer any opinion or reasoning whatever. This ought to be the result of the unbiased judgement of the LEgislature. I am dear sir respectfully your most obt. humble Servt. Wm H Crawford