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unclear to the sale. If Congress should satisfy this claim, out of the funds set apart for that Purpose, the claim of the purchasers to the remainder of the deposit, is at an end and the right of Congress to it commences, if indeed there is any foundation for such right. It is a right which must rest entirely upon implication. The activity of unclear according to my recollection of it make no mention of the deposit. If Congress ultimately refuses to quiet this claim, and the claimants should be foiled in their prosecutions at law, then, I presume the same principles which induced the State to authorize the claimants to draw that part of the deposit which has been already drawn, will induce the legislature to make similar provisions in relation to that which is still in the treasury. If the state and the U.S. however shall be of opinion that the remnant of this deposit is absolutely the property of the U.S. and the latter shall agree to pay that sum in advance, I should suppose that the Constitution can be no ban to the unclear of it by the State. This deposit altho it has been the cause of great evil, yet it can hardly