others to a limited amount, subject to the unclear orders of Congress. THe means which have been placed in the hand of Congress to quiet, or compromise these claims, do not comprise any part of the Yazoo deposit. Land alone forms that fund. It is here that the claimants, of the land, or money, cannot come to us. They must go to Congress. When they apply there, it must be for the land received for that purpose, or for the unclear proceeds of it. Now the remnant of the Yazoo-deposit cannot be a part of those unclear proceeds. By ceding the land to the unclear subject to the claims which unclear against, or upon it, we could hardly be supposed to have included, by that expression, the claim which under our then existing laws, might be preferred against Yazoo-deposit. The question then recurs to whom does this money belong? We have declared by our constitution that it is not, nor ever shall be the property of the State. The money which has been drawn out was certainly drawn upon the Principle that the original sale was void, and that each of the original contracting parties should be placed in relation to each other, in the situation in which they stood on