commerce. Holland is said to be annexed to France. I thought it important to give you this information as early as posible, because on the morning of the day on which this news arrived Dr. Lub? laid on the table a string of resolutions, all Calculated to excite and unclear that war would probably arise out of them. The suspicion will no doubt distress the price of our Cotton, which is already much too low, and if it is removed I do not believe there are five men in the Senate who will vote for it. There are more of that body who would declare war, but believing the course pointed out in the resolution, to be unpolitic, or perhaps nothing but empty unclear, they will not vote for them. Macon's bill is still suspended by the disagreement of the two unclear. Their conferences? meet this day, but there is little probability of their agreeing either to the bill, or the amendments, or upon any substitute for the one or the other. This bill is a favorite with Mr. Madison, and is entirely a cabinet measure-- I