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which is left us? We are to enforce the non intercourse act against G.B. and for what? Because G.B. says your vessels shall not sail to the ports of France. France says if your vessels do come, they shall not bring cotton, tobacco etc. etc. Then we are to relinquish the right of trading with England for the unlimited privilege of sending vessels in ballast, to France. The time is rapidly approaching when we must decide upon this question which is so important to the immediate interest of the people whose interest it is my duty, as far as in my power, to promote. The gov't has said the non intercourse act shall be unclear upon the happening of a certain contingency-- the faith of the govt must be preserved. We have some among us, republicans too, who contend that political bodies are not moral agents, and of course are not bound by principles of morality-- sic, credat, Judaeus Apella, non Ego. The morality of our government, I fear will be put to the severest test during the present unclear and this is strong ground to apprehend, that its