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the unclear of this alarming unclear of the military force of the nation. To these remonstrances, the gov' is under unclear, that they were consulting the true interest of the Country and were not bound to explain the motives of their Conduct to any but their own citizens. The Sec. of State [[unclear] this day unclear from unclear advertising the govt. that Napolione had entered Spain with 300,000 men, the flower of the French nation. That the Spanish unclear were in the most discordant State, acting without unclear. He also states that the terms Proposed by the two Emperors, to England, were the restoration of Hanover, of the Orange Family to their power and possessions, in Holland, and the relinquishment of Portugal to the British. That in return England should acknowledge Joseph Napoleone King of Spain, the Indies, and the Provinces in North and South America. It is also Probable that maritime regulations would have been mingled with these other important regulations, on land. The above were understood to be the basis upon the which the subsequent negotiations were to have been predicated. Before this time it is probable that the fate of Spain and Portugal is decided.