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When the belligerant parties were on the point of entering into an arrangement which ended by the memorable Convenio of Bergara, the Navarese seeming determined to resist (the proposed accomodation) the Cristinos government resolved to treat them with the greatest severity in order to compel them to submission by the dread of remaining alone exposed to all the horrors of a civil war carried on to extermination. Orders were forwarded to General Leon to act towards those populations who were known to be fervend sic adherents of the pretendant, with the utmost rigour.

Obliged to conform himself strictly with his duty, although his heart was greived at the idea of the sufferings he was thus compelled to inflict upon his unhappy countrymen. General Leon prepared to accomplish his painful task. He issued proclamations to the inhabitans sic of the villages in the Carlists lines who generally used to abandon their dwellings on the approach of the troops of the Queen threatening to burn their habitations should they thus persist in abandoning them.

The division of Navarra having received orders to occupy Allo and Dicastillo the general finding that dispite of his warnings the greatest part of the people had fled carrying away all they had been able to remove he consequently ordered the immediate execution of his threats.

Allo and Dicastillo which might be considered as two of the advanced posts of the Carlist lines were therefore devoted to the flames. In consequence of word order of the general not having been communicated in proper time the artillery and muni -tion