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top of leaf torn away to throw down my gun & surrender.

Date, Christino, date a los soldados del Rey -- abajo el escopeta y toma quartel. Surrender, Christino to the King's soldiers, down with your gun & recieve quarter -- Finding however that I paid but little attention to their recommendations, they commenced a perfect shower of abuse, worrying Billingsgate hollow, occassionally raising their heads above the wall and taking a crack at the rock behind which I was safely ensconced. 4 unclear words Ingles al frente alante. vamos hablar un pocito Come out of your hole & talk to us. Estamos amigos --

The approaching darkness favoured me and I knew if I could only draw their fire on me at once, I might then make a bolt over the wall and trust to my legs for of course to attempt to attack them in their strong position would be certain death. Taking a couple of wild ducks from my bag I tied them to my gun barrel, fixing my cap on the top -- raising this suddenly and feinting from one end of the wall ? to the other -- it had the desired effect of drawing a simultaneous volley from the Carlists or robbers whichever they were, probably both, and jumping over the wall, I was safe from their fire in an instant. One fellow being exposed, I took a snap shot at him but one of my caps snapped, and as soon as I had fired they sprung over their wall and spreading in guerro rushed down to the one I had just cleared -- loading their guns as they came. I was determined to hold my place now, and as I was again loaded & had put on a fresh cap on the other rifle, I waited 'til two of them came jumping at the very spot behind which I was placed. Covering the breast of the foremost