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reaching nearly to the knee with trousers of deerskin and moccasins, a few locks of straggling grizzled hair escaped from a small scull cap of raccoon skin shading a face well tanned by many a years exposure to sun & snow. Seeing my approach, he addressed one of the Indians who happened to be present, but not being understood he turned to his sons with

Injuns by C. next 2 words underlined: Gone deer now Kill next word underlined: I say -- What brings these d--d critters yere I wonder -- and a while amongst em I declare -- Wall stranger, where away now -- after the deer in these forests I calculate. Wall now thats a smart piece you carry now anyways -- smooth bar'l now -- groved by C. and two bar'ls wall now that beats -- look here Bill -- look name at this hyar piece. Wall next word underlined: it beats -- a ? piece of timber that (admiring the stock) as I've a seen -- but two then -- a bar'l to shoot fine I know. Wall stranger, you conceit that ar piece now I am bound, but yar's your true rifle.

Taking up his own, a heavy Kentucky piece carrying 50 to the pound -- mine was a double 25 guage -- and can shoot smart too. I tell you -- if you're a mind for chance a bead, why I'm your man -- 90 yards & doller mark -- but your piece wont throw that away, so make it 50. Here Bill take the axe & chip a bark off the hickory yonder.

Make your 50 yds 150 said I -- my piece would throw under 100, 150 yards & a dollar a shot --

Wall now -- next word underlined: that beats. Your gun go 150 yds -- ha ha ha -- chalk it off boy, size of a plate for that distance -- and give us the gun.

The Yankee carefully loaded his rifle, and taking a long aim on a rest -- fired. As I anticipated, levelling as he did point blank, the ball struck at least 2 feet under the white spot, but in a good line. Whar's the strike boy? he cried -- a whol way down father. Wall that beats -- who'd think it, but 150 yards is a long chalk thats a fact -- and your several ? ? as well as that stranger I'm a thinking --

My essay however was far more successful -- for from my shoulder, I threw my ball almost in the center of the mark making a chip fly high in air