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they have been marked down somewhat they say it is quite cold today and maybe they will be cheaper on a warm day We intend going on the avenue next time! We got Anna's letter with the measure and check this p.m. just before Mary went out and she only took time to read it and said when she come back we would talk it over We are very glad that you have company to sleep and that Wm is so good mornings. We bought two quarter pecks (pails) of apples today and I have made some apple sauce for tea I also got a loaf of bread the first since coming down - we finished our last loaf from home this noon. I wish I had brought some emptings? from home. Mrs Jones says I can bake there when I wish - I think we will get some flour and try with cream tartar and and soda There is to be a tea party at the Welsh Church next Friday evening - tickets 50 cts Mary thinks of going- I will not probably.

 I am glad you had so pleasant a visit with Mrs Hughes-  I will try to write