June 3rd Daylight reveals more plainly to view our Bastile. The place has something more of comfort and _______________ about _____ it than we anticipated. The camp is surrounded by a high close plank fence and contains seven or eight acres. A stream of clear water runs through it. There are _____ wells of fine water, plenty of shade tree, also enough buildings to shelter us from inclement weather. We are very closely guarded . The bulldogs of war displaying their fierce countenances on all sides. O, I long for the time for exchange to come when we may be once more in our own ______ upon our own soil. As the caged bird pines for its own native air, so do I pine for the Dear land of Sunny ____________.
June 4th Wrote one of the most enormous letters fo the folks at home imaginable. Filled up a whole page of note paper. My friends will grow weary in reading no doubt