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153 160 that was in him with Hooker Jim and two soldiers in pursuit Scarface Charley reind his horse in head of Jack and told him to stop. Jack was out of wind he fell to the ground and wept like a child. finally he got up and told the soldiers. he was ready to die or go with them one soldier told Jack after Scarface charley told him what said that no one would offer to hurt him if he would go long quietly Jack give his gun and belt up. had only five cartridges in the belt and more in his gun. when the Scouts and Soldiers got all the prisoners together they had them all but Ben [Lawever?] wife father wife and the young man, when Jack made his escape near Steels Swamp, with the two men and three women. they went down Willows Creek a short distance then they left the Creek and took a direct line for the south east slope of Bryant Mountain. but come day light so they was afraid to travel in day light. they went in hiding near the head of Langalls Valley Hooker Jim Shaknasty Jim and the five soldiers run on to them just about the same time Scarface Charley sighted the ones he and the soldiers took. When capt Jack seen he was found he took a shot at his traiters. and dodged in to the brush. the boys fired a few shots in to the brush. the other two men and three women walked right up to the soldiers and gave them selves up. the two men did not have any arms any. they left their guns the day