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after the old fellow made his talk the men all agreed to give up their arms the following day. but Black Jim and the doctor they both said we will not give up. scarface said you had better because I will not quit you I will get you in time Black Jim says. I will not querrell with you. you leave me alone. I will do the same with you. Charley said you may leave me alone but I will not let you get away. they all went to head? to get what little sleep they could unclear it was near the morning hour. Just when it was getting little light Black Jim got up he got his gun and his cartridges. he had no one to bid farewell to as he had no wife- he sneaked over to the doctors camp and woke him up. he told him he was going to leave.the doctor said wait Ill go with you. he prepared for flight the doctor told his wife and daughter not to feel bad about him. that he saw no way that the soldiers would spare his life. as he had killed five or six settllers. his wife and daughter hung on him and beged for him not to go but he told them that he must go so he did they stole silently out of camp. taking a course north on the backbone of shup? mountain. about at the