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me. the other braves said not a word every one was anxious to hear Scarface Charley reply curly headed doctor said Charley you have heard what black Jim said I want to say to say I feel just the same as Jim so you had better study good before you answer us you know who we are. do not tempt us. Charley jumped to his feet and unclear the fire- saying men put on some more wood. as I want black Jim and the doctor to have a good strong light to shoot me by. then he turned and faced his two enemys saying. look men I want you both to understand that I am black. but not a dog. I am a man if you want me to tell you what I am going to do with that big fat horse and gun I will tell you. I will run you men down on that horse and shoot you with this gun if you do not do as I want you to do. I know who you are. I was raised with you. you are both cowards. you know it- your threats dont amount to nothing. what I have done is best for all of us- it is good for our old people and children. The soldiers will never quit? us. this country is big but it is small for the white people. we can not go any place and hide