120 of regulars that was stationed there. stating that he had located the entire band of modocs near the Vanbrinier Mountains.that he had a fight with them but lost no men. had several horses killed he stated in these words. I think we killed fifteen or more of them Modocs. I know I saw four or five throw their hands up and fall backwards. I plugged two my self -the modocs after their little fight with the troops and Indian scouts took the trail of the women and children. They did not go far before they found them. They all camped right there for the night as they had plenty of water handy. day light next morning the Indians was traveling west headed for a mountain. Top of the mountain was covered with Juniper trees and mahogany bush. from the top of the the mountain the Indians could get a fine view west all over butter creek valley California. east they had a good view of the country they had traveled after leaving the lava bids. The warriors took turn about stationed in the tops of two Juniper trees. watching for their enemy the mountains the modocs made their last stand on was then known as fairchilds mountain. it is about four miles from the south west end of little Klamaith lake Calif. fairchilds ranch is on the east side of the mountain right at its base. it was also known as sheep