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73 they could not eye him. he scratched his head for some moments longer. at last he said. my people. I feel degraded and feel as though I was lost and among strange people. I feel like a man that had been kicked out and away from his friends and his kin. I am allmost ashamed to commence? my talk. for my heart tells me I had just as well talk to the cloud and wind. what I am going to tell you would have listen to with willing ears after? years ago. But now it will all be in vain but never the less. I will say what I want to say to you all in the first place I want to say. that life is sweet love is strong. man dies to save his life. man also kills to ruin? his hearts desire. that is love. But let us see?. man must be on the right side. before he does the killing. then he shall be justified in what he did in the eyes of the white mans laws. also that is our law. you all know it. my people let us love life let us not walk into the Jaws of death death is mighty bad. death will come to us soon enough one by one. we will be called away from our loved ones by the great Spirit. we can look back on our lives we remember our loved ones that was taken away from us. Can we do it with out feeling sad. no we cannot. it is the nature of man kind to mourn the dead