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59 of about four hundard was stationed on the pensular north of the strong hold across the Lake. Gilliam's armey and masons armey numberd nearly one thousound fighting men. on the 23ard Winema and the writer took a message to Jack stateing that on the following day the commissioners wished to have a council half way between the strong hold and milatary camp in a tent Jack and his men told the messanger that he knew that the soldiers Intended to kill him an all his people. if they did not why was they moveing on him for with so many men. But he said I am a true Modoc I am not afraid to die I am not afraid of them Brass Buttons. tell the commissioners I will meet them in council tomorrow so on the following day the mett in council quite a few Indians was visiting the soldiers while their council was in Progess. nothing was reached in the first days council Jack and Chief John Schonchin wanted the goverment to give them apiece of land near the fairchilds ranch. Canby meacham and Thomas could not agree to the wish of the Indians. the council ended without any agreement day after the Council a large body of Indians visited the