as he said his last words he turnd his back on the angry Klamaths and walked back to where his own men were still at work. he called his men togeather and told them what the Klamaths said to him now he says we shall quit for the present I do not want any of you to quarrell with these Klamaths. I will take you Bogus Charly and go this verry day and see the agent. I think he will protect us. they all went back to their camps. jack and Bogus Charley. started Immediately for the agency a distance of about eight miles. on their arrival at the agents they was mett by a crowd of Klamath Indians. the Klamaths taunted them told them they was all cowards. Jack and Bogus Charley worked their way through the crowd and got in to the agents office. Mr. Knapp was in. he asked Jack what he could do for him Jack told him about making the rails about the Klamaths hauling them away and what the Klamaths had told him. he told the agent he did not want any trouble with the Klamaths. I have come to your for Protection says Jack. Mr. Knapp. told Jack perhaps he says if you move your people up williamson river a few miles the Klamaths will not bother you let your rails go. Jack. and move your people right away if these Klamath Indians bothers you after you get to work up on