Ben Wright and his men made his word good with the Indians they all left the following day the Indians that had the talk with Wright spread the news among the Modocs and rock Indians or combu warrior that he had at last found a good friend. a white man with many men had told him he would be back in three or four days with plenty to eat for the Indians while they talked to make peace. the word went from village to village of the Big feast and intended council. three days after wright and his men had left the natural bridge forty five men and afew squaws was camped near the natural bridge waiting wrights return. they were anxious to be friends with the white people and the prospects was good for a big feast. on the fifth day from the day wright had left he and his men all returnd. all seemd to be verry friendly with the Indians. they dismounted a short distance from the Indian camp. while wrights men were busy pitching tents wright walked over to the Indian camp. he told them he would like for all the Indians to move over near his camp said it would be much better when they would hold their council the next day for if it kept raining they would be unable