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Mesa, Arizona. May 19 1912,

Dear Cousin,

Yours of 12th was gladly received, and will now answer it soon while I have time. I had received Georges & Yuma Frank's letter which was sent in my care. I told Georges all what you had said in the letter. But I did not get to see Yuma Frank about it so I let him have the letter to read it to him. Yes I am always anxious to know what is going on in Washington about us Indian wheather sic they are going to move us or not. I had to tell George and Chas not to answer Mrs. Grey's letter. I know she was wanting to much from us trib. I hope whose that are helping you will stick together and do all you can to help us not to remove the Indian from McDowall, Because I heard the Indians say that if we are to move a way from our