Amidst the dazzling firmament of library characters that are illuminating the south by the richness of their expression, the beauty of their pictures, _______________ of their _____ we should be able to group some narrating in story_____ history of our growth, weaving into it the _______ of our _____, interspersed with broken English dialect, thus enabling future generations to appreciate the obstacles to our rapid advancement; actions to relate in _____ ____ the ____________ story of our extinction and inglorious verse the grandeur of the individuals who have led ___ ____.
Only by rising into the values of literature can we hope to receive the favorable
recognition of the truly influential men of the neighboring stats. We have all the elements necessary to arouse and ____ the writer. A land rich in agriculture and mineral resources with a climate partaking of the nation of the tropics and the polar regions, with our broad expansions, prairies and murmuring crystal streams trickling down between mountainous hills _____ in joyous gladness over precipices and _____ into longer streams below, a ____ unsurpassed for its variety and beauty.
As we gather together to do ho nor to our institution which we represent, cannot
but be struck with the thought that much