(3) The power of expression should be more cultivated; no one is so ignorant but that in secretly communing with himself; ______________________________ cogent arguments formulated, hidden mysteries solved and profound truths revealed yet in these days of practical life it is pertinent to ask, by what means are these powers most easily developed? First, in answer, I should say by the exercise afforded in Library Societies organized for the purpose of mutual improvement, proper criticism in a kindly manner, ______ ____proper officer will do ______ to incite one to avoid errors and to actuate him to strive to attain excellence in declamation and refined accurate expression in composition. While the mind is tender and unaccustomed to thought, ideas are slowly formulated but as the musician in a short time runs his fingers over the keys of a piano with a wonderful rapidity so the intellectual organism may be trained to respond in an emergency with a spontaneity beyond expectation. Nothing is more ____ ____ and strengthening to the minute faculties than the actual contact of