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                                                                                                 Ft. Smith Arkansas
                                                                                                 Sept 22nd 1865

Hon Lewis Downing

        Chief Template:Unclear

                   We desire to say to you and through you to the loyal Cherokee peoples: we sympathize with you in your national troubles.

We have tried to do what we could to allay the prejudice of your people against the disloyal Cherokees, and on the other hand to induce the disloyal to make proper reparation to you and to do all in their power to restore order & good feeling among the whole people. We assure you and the Nation, we felt very badly to be obliged to refuse to recognize John Ross as the representative of your people We found him using his powerful influence against us and our endeavors to make peace in this vicinity. We found that he had used his influence to induce several tribes and bands to abjure their allegiance