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Saratoga, Dec. 25, 1859 Sister Sarah:

  Last evening we received mother's letter. requesting us to come home but it does not seem prudent for me to come just now. Cynthia is troubled very much with dispepsia and Dr. thinks two or three weeks more here will be of great service to her. we have therefore decided to remain at least till we hear again from home. We have not money enough now to pay what is due here and go home. We received $11. from pa some day last week which we now have. We shall require to get us some canton flannel to make some warm underclothes.

in margin: Write soon, some one. I must ask Anna's pardon for not writing Monday. I did not feel well and knew nothing to say. Kiss Robbie and Onie for us. Tell Lewis and Jane a letter from them would be very acceptable. Am glad they have got home once more. What is the matter that Mary is not so well? Is it better now?

    Sis has been writing to Elizabeth; she is now lying on the bed. It is now just eight. Good night, sweet sleep be thine. Jennie