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discouraged. There has not been so much snow for many years as we have now. I kept the path shoveled from the door to the shed till within the last two or three days. I had to give up and go round to the further door - the snow is almost to the top of the shed door opposite our back door now since I have stopped shoveling it away. I push my way into the other - sliding or tilting the door and get wood and coal as we need. We have seven hens in the chickery and I manage to feed them twice a day. We kept them thinking Edward would take them when he went home but it was so stormy and bitter cold the day he went and he was so busy with the accounts that he could not take them. Now we are at a loss what to do - I killed one and dressed it - I sent it with E. in a trunk which I packed with apples &c for him. It was nice and fat. I don't think