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place where all who go get married. If so, I suppose that in about a year Miss Anna L. Everett will return Remsen a Mrs. So and So, then your sister Sara and myself are to go there to try our luck so I just wish you would hurry if we are to wait until you are married but we will try and wait very patiently. Peirce's school was out last week but I suppose that is no news, I thought he intended to teach all winter, but I presume he feels so badly he can not teach since you are not here. unclear you ashamed to break the poor boy's heart. I have been to your house but once since you left. Ellen and myself went up there one afternoon a few days before Lizzie left. I am sorry her health is so poorly. I delivered your message to the girls, they in return wish to be kindly remembered to you both. Please tell your sister that this letter is intended for her also and I should be pleased to have her

answer it. I must soon close after first begging you not to delay as long as I did in writing, you should always return good for evil. I intend to. Give my love to your sister and reserve a large portion for yourself. Love ever dear friend, Kate?