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about a greater of a mile from camp. I tel you there was an awful hubbub in camp then. the buys threw their napsacks and overcoats in ever direction and grabbed their guns, were in line in less than no time. We were ordered from that camp on monday evening about 5 o clock. We marched all that knight and until Tuesday evening before we halted for anything to eat. We marched about 80 miles in three days and two knights. The fear was that the rebbels would cut off our provision train. Well my paper is nearly full and I supposed you will have a hard time to make it out as I haven't been very [paitien?]

[vertical writing begin] my love to you all, write soon, good bye Jas Patterson [vertical writing end]

[upside down writing] Direct to Springfield yet. We have a very uncertain march to here [upside down writing ends]