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were littlerally covered with rifle balls for several miles along the road. Well sue I think you were mitty sparing with your thoughts I want you to fill your letters full, you dont know how much good it does me to hear from you and hear everything no matter what. Sue do you recollect that ring. it has never ben off my finger since and shant be till I get home. I wore my old grey briches, till a week or so ago, then I gave them to one of the Boys for a parr of stockings Well this is Thanksgiving's day the 24th ill, had a serman or a speech to day. We've ben off duty today and nothing more- This is about the last of my paper and i'm out of money. What's to be did. We may be payd soon and may not some say we are going to st Louis, yet but no certainty of it. I beleive you had better send me a dollar or so. in your next Well I must close. Direct Springfield yet. my pen is pretty near gone up. With my Prayers and many good wishes I remain Your affectionate Bro and son Jas Patterson E.P. S.E.P. JP