313 And, behind you, is the seven miles from unclear, you have in the deep perpendicular sided unclear, cut in the solid limestone rock. a measure of the excavating power of this descending flood which has been for to many ages, just like a chisel in a carpenter's hand, (this horseshoe fall is now a gauge) chipping out this deep & wide channel. When are effects on this enormous weight of the falling water, purpose is felt at its not working at a greater rate than, as is supposed, of twelve inches in twelve months. When I was a Niagara there was what is called an "ice bridge" a few yards below the falls; & which, as it requires a unclear of severe? weather for its completion, does not occur, I was told, more frequently than once in every nine or ten years. I stayed at an Hotel on the American side of the unclear Bridge, which is about a mile & a half from the Falls. I was there three days, & during that time I met two Canadians who had all their lives been in the neighbourhood of the Falls, & an American in business at the pace where I was staying, who had not yet seen the great sight, & who felt no desire to see it. I may here mention, that if we ought to pronounce unclear name in the Indian for him, we shall cease to talk about the Falls of Niagara [with pronunciation symbols]. It was their practice to accent not the ante-penultimate, but the penultimate syllable. For instance they talked of Niagara [with pronunciation symbols], & Ontario [with pronunciation symbols]. The Ohio [with pronunciation symbols], & Potomac [with pronunciation symbols], if they are real Indian words, the true unclear pronunciation has been returned.