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234 affirm must be true, then this class in the United States occupies a position of very bad preeminance. No one is spared. The President is a Judas Iscariot who has sold his country. Senators, & Representatives are a set of log-rollers & wine-unclear who make, on an average of the whole body, 6000 a year out of their votes in Congress. Judges receive such small salaries that they must also receive bribes. Every town-Councillor (if that is the right title) Every exciseman, every custom-house officer, every tax assessor, or collector is open to unclear, if the argument cited be the dollar. None of them are allowed more than four years for making their fortunes. These are the mildest terms in which they inveigh against what they call the universal rottenness from top to bottom of the Oficial class throughout the Union. On this very dangerous & delicate ground a stranger can only act the part of a Reporter. he cannot give any comment, or even have any opinion of his own. I feel however that I cd? wd? be guilty of foul ingratitude, if I did not give the results of my own experience & observation with respect to one class at all events of American public servants. I saw much of the Superindendents of Schools, & was every where struck with their devotion to their work, & with their ability. As far as I cd judge the public are well & faithfully served by these officers. And as the Superintendent in each city is practically, though not theoretically, the doer of all that is done in the general management unclear is responsible for the condition of all the Schools in the city, his office is in the unclear second in importance to none.