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               I found that from Memphis as from many other places in the

South, a considerable emigration was going on. While I was strikeout there strikeout names of intending emigrants were being collected for a settle- ment in British Honduras: this , however, I believe was aban- doned on account of the unsuitableness of the Climate for White labour. As in their own state of Tennessee there is so much good land, + strikeout so delightful insert a /insert climate , it c/d have been poli- tical reasons only that prompted this thought of leaving their country. For such persons Brazil appears just now one of the more favourable fields for commencing life anew; as the Government in these offering at a merely nominal price, in the hills in the neighborhood of the Capital, land well suited for Coffee plan- tations, + where the climate strikeout insert is such as to /insert admit of European labour. This has been done with the especial view of attracting some part of the emigration from the Southern States. No friend, however, of the unhappy people of the South Wd advise them to accept any offers of this kind. How much more manly w/d it be + how much better w.d it be financially for themselves, + morally for their children + descendants if they are prepared to labour with their own hands to do insert so /insert in their own country + remain a part of the great Anglo-Saxon race, with all its rich inheritance of laws, literature, + traditions than to cast in their lot with mongrel Portuguese + Africans!