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This Section tein is a smart little place Sprung up in a hurry among the stumps and trees there being in this place three rivals rivaling each other. Section twelve lies through a poor tract of country low and wet. May 30 Tuesday at 6ock morn arrived at the Junction of the Miami and The Wabash & Erie Canal. here unclear Capt Bliss took the Wash Canal and went down to Logansport in Indiana where he belong when at home. I wait here for another boat which soon comes up, Capt Shallet with whom I I took passage to Defiance, eight miles, fare $.50 at Defiance got my trunk and tool chest stored at Mr J Tuttle's Commission Store on the canal, and at three ock started off on foot for my Brothers at Evansport, twelve miles where I arrived just before sunset. I learn that my brother had removed to Conten township nine miles further West. Then put up at a public house and got supper and took a walk out. called at my brothers house awpied? by Mr Foster a methodist preacher who invited me to stay with him over night