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56 The Climate is hot. The Sun is nearly over head. The evening and the morning are chilly, very similar to a March temperament in America, but variable Sometimes the natives will on with thin cloaks and sometimes off with their coats. After residing here five or six weeks, I became of a greasy bronze colour like the natives. And probably will take as much more time after leaving to scour it off again, besides being subject to the constant remark of my friends. Well you have got a pretty good colour on, wy how black you look. I think the climate here not so favourable for Invalids as in some of the Southern States. Although in Savannah Georgia during the time I resided there which was from Decm 12th untill Jan 16, during most of it this time a coal fire in the unclear to sit by was very agreable and very much needed. The Evening and Morning very chilly coming on sometime before sunset and going of again gradual after sunrise. I think Invalids should always avoid there if possible