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42 and the high reputation they bear, inducing the customer to take a hundred boxes just to try them. Public houses are open, and attended by Representatives of various nations, also Billyard tables and bowling alleys, are held in high estimation. And Lotteries, those deep schemes of blind chance, and seeming to insinuate that a fortune can be made in a fortnight, and venders of tickets are prysing their schemes upon whomsoever they may. Bull fights those interesting amusements of the Spanish People are advertised on Saturday by hoisting a flag upon the unclear with a bull painted upon it which is to come off upon the Sabbath day, at about four or five o'clock in the afternoon at Reglar, over across the bay where two steamboats run every half hour. Masquerade balls are attended in the evening with much enthusiasm. Also music in the evening by the military band which is very good. Chastity in heart spirit and behaviour I believe is not a commodity of the clime. Went outside and took quite a long walk to pass the time away, but saw nothing that looked like a Sabbath day at home, and how to keep the Sabbath here