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a musk rat has old Dash brought me in this mouth and often a tortoise. About noon I would again make the boat, and prepare for lunch, ice a bottle of porter or cider, take a snack of pemikan, a shaugh of a pipe and snooze in the shade for a couple of hours — if I was on the shady side of the island, take a plunge into the lake, and was fresh as a lion for the afternoon’s work, which was the cream of the thing, as it always and everywhere is. About sun down another bath and home with boat load of cock, say 16 or 20 brace, a brace or two of bittern, 2 or 3 duck, a snipe or two, with pigeons and a black squirrel or so, killed for the express satisfaction of Dash who had a particular fancy for the black longtails. In the evening the hunter ? would be a alive with mosquito hawks (the whip poor will) in shape and size