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Head Quarters, 25th Rgt. Mo. Vol. Before the enemy at Corinth Miss. May 22nd 1862, Dearest Mother, Setting in my tent with my trappings on and the sound of shot and shell which almost reach us for music to lull us to sleep still my reminder once of home and you have caused me to borrow a bayonet to put my candle in and on a sheet of foolscap write you. We are now within a short distance of the enemys main force and heavy skirmishing with our Batterys supported by regiments of Infantry are constant. The rebels are well prepared but no officer of our noble army doubts our success. This is their last chance and although it will cost the life of many men still it will give to us all the Missippi where ere a week passes the stars & stripes will wave in triumph & safety. I have been fortunate thus far if God in his mercy spares me in the coming battle I soon will be at home with my family. I hope soon to see and know that peace has been restored to our beloved country & those who have so nobly fought for that peace restored to their homes with the choicest blessings of Providence showered upon them. Our state has as yet done nothing for our wounded and sick but will