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be sent; and my object in writing to you is, to learn whether you have received a copy of the work; if you have not, please ask Mr Hunt for one, and if he should have none at his disposal, let me know, and I will have one sent to you. I took up the subject of Oregon voluntarily in 1837, I laboured at it in in all my leisure hours until 1840, when the fruits of my labours were published by the Senate in the form of a memoir on the North West Coasts of America, from which Mr Farnham quietly, and without any acknowledgement whatever, copied out his pamphlet. I then took the subject up again. I obtained documents from all parts of the north, and after four more years of labours, I completed my history of Oregon and California, which I published at my own expense, in the most beautiful manner with a large map, engraved on copper. It is a volume of more than 500 pages, Congress purchased 1500 copies, from me last winter, by which ?, I was remunerated for my expenses in printing. The book is now in a