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whole and the additional written the interim at the same time. I have a beautiful drawing of a fine male moose, that of the Elk, is already engraved and next week we will forward to the engraver no less than five or six drawings of the best quality. by the way I am sorry that you should look upon the Texan Skunk as a bad figure The animal is an ungraceful one in its Singular coloring, but it is never the less quite true to nature, with all its specific characteristics u J. Victor wrote to you that I was anxious to have your opinion about the Title page and I hope you will send me your ideas? forthwith on that subject. I send you now by mail a long article about our work which I conceive and hope will prove to you that the "mutual friend" knew but very little of my feelings or chois on Sings at --gchor? you. I really thought truly regret that you should have been unclear?, and mis-led about this our work by a third party, who must to say the least of it abused your Credulity to the very extreme. However, the sooner forgotten, the sooner? mended. it is with deeply felt regret from every one of my Family that we read the account in your letter of the condition of your dear wife, but hope that the wife accompany you early next spring to visit our humble but comfortable ?chil? oc. Now do Come! Presu? jorix?