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Wolves. Wolves will eat? all the frogs we can catch along the Banks of the River, and unclear? are abundant. We saw 5 wolves, all grey. Shot at three but each of unclear? ?/c? of the Rosc? whose we do not dare to stop. Lunch? tp ;amo at 3 ojos afternoon under a poor point. no game. 20th Wednesday. Wind very high. Fresh tracks of wild cats along the shore. The motion of the boat & &/ ?dering? were almost Sea sick. Sprague saw 1 sharp-tail of unclear. left at 1/2 past 12. the wind having udess?shifted saw an innumerace? number of Pintail Ducks but unclear not approach them. Stopped on an Island to unclear? unclear? for my Deer, and did so. The wind fehing? us. our camp of last night only 2 1/2 miles still south below Whiteunderlined River.underlined Stopped on a bar for about 1/2 an hour. Shot 2 blue-wing Teals, but did not get them. camped [[[unclear?]] the "Bijou Hills. 21st Thursday. Windy & rainy most of the night. Started early, weather cloudy. and cold. Landed to examine some burned hills. Again on an island for Pea-vines. unclear? vigil of Indians Hofed/ LMach? at 12 o'clock saw 1 Bull on our lidy? and a few more out after 8 or 10 on the other side later were mix of cows and bulls together. Lady, and Proust, Harris and Bell went off to try to procure fresh meat. These are the first Buffalos we have seen alive since we left Fort Pierce. The Hunters only Killed 1 Bull, out of 11. Dows, are this Strange at this unclear?, having left 2 hours or more. was off, and I saw 3 more Bulls in a Ravine. Stopped to camp at the lower end of great Cedar Island, at 5 o'clock fresh signs of Buffalos and Deer, good unclear? for ay? Raining hard may rain of all night. 22 Friday. Raining left at 1/4 past 8 wind a head. Distant thunder we had a very uncomfortable night indeed, being wet and dirty. we were up early 1 Mile on the other side and land if we a/c of the rain. Played at cards. no chance to work on the shore as a/c of the weather. We dropped a few miles and camped for the night, in the mud, but was a warming? fire to cook by. Water, Howling all evening? us, and Owl hooting. Raining hard. Playing Cards wish 9 o'clock to hide the unclear?. our boat a very quad-mire. 23 Saturday Cloudy morn. left at 11. Saw 5 wolves on a sand bar Red shafted woodpeckers 2 Hawks. swallows. made a good run of about 60 miles. at 4 that afternoon we took in 3 men belonging to the steamboat Now Heaven blonging? to the opp?unclear? which was jam on a Bar 8 miles below. Made a unclear? w.unclear? hunts?. not shot any thing. We landed on Poncas Island &? above us we found [[Mag. File:U " Cutting & Taylor and I had the great pleasure of receiving Victor & John's letter of the 22 July. I am sorry? that my Lucy had not unclear? herself. 24 Sunday. Cloudy, windy and cold. The steamer and it?startind out soon? as we cou ly? see, saw a wolf on a bar, and a large flock of white Pelican which we took at first for a Keel-boat. Killed none. passed the Poncas. G'Eanguicouer? Manuel on Bavill River by 10 o'clock . Landed just below Bavil river stopped by the wind. Hunted I shot 1 Raven 1 Turkey Buzzard 4 wood Ducks. Harris shot 1 and yet we unclear? 4. Ripe plumbs abundant and good. Gar fish in the creek. Provott? and ?man? made 4 new oars?