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Beavers[Image: flourish underline]] Where Beavers is dragging a stick or part of a tree they went with with ?uching? branches of others, they did it again and that enabled to drag them along which they do unclear? both by their fore feet and their strong teeth. Sandpiper and

Hawk. File:Flourish underline

We saw a Pigeon Hawk giving chase to a Spotted sand piper on the wing, and whereas the Hawk was on the point of catching the bird, the last? dive? unclear? unclear?. We all unclear? their repeat? of 5 or 6 times. As the wind blew high, we landed on a beach where it had the appearance of having been paved by the hand of man. _ The men killed a very unclear? Cow, which being alone had been wounded previously. The wing unclear? again and again we landed at 12._ Mr C. went off and fast returned having Killed a Young Buck Elk. Dinner over went to the annual unclear? and it was Kiuesed?. on returning we start up a Monstrous Buck Elk, which I shot from its bed of Willows. _ Shot at it coming about 80 yards off but did not touch it. Meantime Provatz? had heard another from? our Camp, loaded his riffle and approached it to within 10 paces where unluckily his gun snapped. Harris forced a Dove's nest on the ground with a young and the other egg about to hatch. Saw a bat this evening. Measurements of Young Male Elk Nape to root of tail. 82 Inches to end of tail vertebra. 5._" to end of Hair. 6 1/2." Nape to Canthus 11._ length of Eye 1 1/2" throat to Ear 19._ to end of leg?27" breadth of Ear._3 3/4." from opening of D"? to end of Ear._ 8 1/4" Larniua.?_ 1 1/2' D from end of nose._ 9." Nose to joint of mouth._ 4 1/2" Length of Nostril. _2." wued? the head at the end of Ears._ 27._" Nose to point of shoulders _35._" point of Shoulders to elbow. _ 13" Height at shoulders._ 52._" Height at rump._ 55." from elbow to knee _ 25." from out? of T. to end of Pinus.?. - 30 1/2" from elbow to D? D?20." Girth back of front leg. _ 57 1/2" D? at largest part of Body. _ 68 3/4" Knee to end of Rump _ 17._ Wind blowing harder, are taking? the point of: deleted above and below but saw only 2 wolves 1 a dark grey one The largest I have ever seen. Harris shot a young of the sharp-tailed Grouse. Bell shot 3 Pigeons. Provots? was after Elks on the 2? point below, and returned without having seen one.