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Bar connected with the main land, saw a gang of Buffalo. Mr C. and another man went off. They shot at 2 Cows and killed one, but she was left as she floated away down stream, and it was now too dark to follow after her. a Heavy cloud arose from the west. Thunder was heard; but M. Moon and Stars shon brightly. after a while however it became dicey? and grew fine at Intervals. The Musqutat? bad as ufual? day they depotate? unclear?. Sep 2File:Swirl over line with " below 1843 Saturday. _ Fine but windy, went downstream about 10 Miles where we stopped again for the High winds. We had no fresh meat on board and we breafly? perceived the affects of this on the faces of the men of our Crew. We saw 8 wolves 4 pure white and unusually large. Went to the Prairies, walked fully 6 miles and saw only 3 Bulls. The wind was now a Gale. Saw abundance of black breasted Prairie Larks and a pond containing some Black Ducks ( and feet? ea?) returned to the pond after dinner. Killed four Ducks and lost 2 others the wind continuing a gale. Sep 3{image: swirl over dash]] Sunday. Beautifully calm but somewhat Cold, left early at 12 put ashore to kill a Bull having no for the meat. He took the wind and ran off. our Boat grounded on a bar. I leap overboard to assist. The water felt Hea?any? and the weather had become much warmer. Friend Harris shot at a Prairie Wolf but missed it at 1/2 past 4? Jan? 11 or 12 C?, Mr C. LB. and a Canoe Man went in pursuit, but the later shots sadly too far. The Cattle came toward us when fleeing us they took to the water and I unclear accross the stream we rowed after them as fast as possible. The 2 {image swirl over dash]] Man in the Canoe landed and ran after them, but all inefectually, for although we shot? ]this a volley? of Balls, not one unclear of sufficient damage to stop any one of them. I saw the gang unclear? on the Hills, and the whole group was far out of our sight. we are again under way. look see Mr C. L.B. and we are one more day without fresh meat on board._ Bell and Mr C. got well?missed? we stopped and spent the night at the mouth of Moran River. Wild Pig and no fish. Some Sandpipers. Sep 4 Monday. _ We had a cool night, fine this morning. The wind up early. Stop by it at 11. Mr C. Moucranie? and Bell went Shooting. Many signs of Elk& wild Pigeons. A bad place for hunting, but good in regard of safety. Proutz? found Beaver tracks and small trees up river by these and a lodge which he says is an old one. It is at ?pr?ing? a map of sticks of various signs matted together, and teeth tracks are all around. to Dig them out would prove improbable, and we hope to catch them in naps? to night. Beavers often on berries when they can reach them especially Buffalo Berries (Shepp?dia?) Mr C. Killed a Buck and we have sent men to bring it entire?. The Bravery of this Lodge are not Residents, but Vagrant Beavers The Buck was brought in and proves to be in the grey It is the same kind as that found at Fort Union having a longer tail we think we think than they found East?. In having?