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28th Aug Monday. Buffaloes It blew a gale all night, and continuous now. Buffalo Bulls have been shot through both eyes. 3 Bulls unclear? the Heard, and 7 shot besides, when we kill them the knife has been obliged to be used. On the Ice? after having cut both hamstrings, May have been seen to crawl with their forefeet for hundreds? of yard. 29. Tuesday The gale still continues. had badger and about my Lucy. _ Caught Cat Fish, and walked about the shores Saw 2 Deer on the opposite side. It was discovered to day that the Deer Killed by Mr C last Sunday was a Buck of the black-tailed Deer. 29th Tuesday.: date scratched out Heavy wind all night. Bad Dreams again about my Lucy. Cut a Cotton tree to break the force of the waves Sprague apologizing to me, we shack hands, and now all will be forgotten, on my part? at unclear?. The weather sud? Beavers. Beavers during winter come down on the Ice, but over all the open streams they unclear? with at once. Apple River or Creek was formerly a good place for Mole [[unclear? as well on Cannon Ball River . Saw a milk Rat this evening swimming along side of out Boat. We ran on about 1 mile below and slept on a muddy bar with abundant of musquitos. 30th August. Wednesday. Started at day light and with the stream about 1/2 a mile. _ Mr C. & I. went off to The Prairies through the wolf grounds. we had not visited; but we did reach the high Prairies by diet of great Industry and no small labour, through swamps and mire. When there, we saw 2 Bulls, 1 cow and her 2 Calves. Buffalo calves: noted in left margin? We killed the cow and the larger Calf, a beautiful bull. _ returned to the boat by a far way and then the one we had passed? when going out. Reaching the Boat at 1 o'clock, thirsty and hungry enough. dispatched Bell and all the Men after the meat, and the skin of the Calf, all of which were brought on board. we started and travelled about 10 miles. 31 August Thursday. Started early being fine and calm. Large flocks of Ducks (probably some Milliams? together, and all of the Pintail Species} saw swans and 4 wolfs. _ passed M Primaux & Wheaton? trading knife. _ reached cannon ball River at 1/2 past 12. No Game. Water good but warm. Dinned on the shore, saw a Rock unclear? and left an? unclear?axe?. The Prairies in the distance were all on on fire, splendid sight, though so often seen previously by me. Sight of Indians on both sides? the River weather cloudy and sultry. Reached Beaver Creek Provost? went after Beau? but found no signs. Caught 14 Cat fish and all was excellent. Here we witnessed the power of Buffalos when pushing? through to mossy? places which they sh? to an unaccountable? and almost miraculous extent. Sep 1. Friday. Hard rain most of the night, and uncomfortable Camp, which we left at 8 o'clock. Saw Costth?& sandy? went off and found only 4 Bulls. hurried to Boat and started. After bing landed for the night on a sand